I figured since I don't have a way to post new pictures, I would just let you all know what's going on with us. If you are interested, read on. If not, just stop right here...
I think my pregnancy is going quite well. Aside from the sick feelings and my tired body, I feel quite grand. My baby belly is starting to stick out, but I still just feel fat because I haven't felt any baby movements for sure, yet. I am getting more and more excited to find out if we are having a girl or a boy. We wil find out August 5th. I am quite certain I am carrying a little sister for Andrew, but I guess I could be wrong. I was last time. This time, though, it is more of a feeling, whereas last time it was more of just what I thought I wanted. Either way, I am SO SO HAPPY! I will post a poll just to see what you think.
Andrew is getting to be so fun. He is growing up so fast and seems to be loving life, most of the time. He seems to be getting into more trouble as the days go on. Lately some of his favorite mischevious things to do are: Tackle anyone who is laying down, which includes little kids his size and sometimes smaller, but mostly mommy and daddy.; playing in the toilet when he finds an opportunity. YUCK!; and doing things that mommy says no to, just to test me. He seems to be getting smarter and smarter everyday. His vocabulary is pretty impressive, I think, for his age. He loves daddy-his favorite person in the world, grandparents, books, making animal noises, playing outside, dirt and mud - anything that will make him dirty, water (baths, sprinklers, swimpools, random water puddles, and... sadly enough, toilet water), balloons, and his stuffed rattle doggie that he has to sleep with every night and nap time.
Jake is just working hard. Still a security gaurd at the hospital, but trying to work his way up and out. He applied for the FBI. We went to Salt Lake last week so he could take a test. We recieved a letter in the mail today saying he passed. So, now it's onto more interviews and tests. Next step is the Language examination. This could be a very long process. If that doesn't work out, he'll be taking the LSAT this September to get ready for Law School. We'll keep you updated.
November & December
11 years ago